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The Full Story

CEO - David Miller
Solar Panel Fitting
The question I find myself asked quite a bit is “Why solar?”
The answer I give those people is always the same: In an accumulated 20 years of sales management and operational management experience, it’s the one thing I can truly, 100%, get behind.
My values as a family man and active member of my community have called me to ensure the world I leave for future generations is not only sustainable, but full of endless possibilities.
While working in the corporate world and beyond, I’ve seen first hand that customer satisfaction and product integrity do not always go hand-in-hand. Solar not only ensures both of these things, but brings us closer to the energy revolution we sorely need!

Robert Bosch
Master Electrician
As a Master Electrician for over 10 years, I have seen the struggles of homeowners to control their energy bills. I got into the business to bring power back to the people, and I'm excited to use my training and experience to bring energy independence to residential Colorado homeowners.
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Solar Panel Fitting
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